
Management vs. Leadership

What is the Difference Between Leadership and Management in Small Business?

Leadership and management are both essential elements of business success. Leadership is closely aligned with the role of a CEO and Management to the role of the President. Even though there is a difference between leadership and management most people use them interchangeably which is incorrect.

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Business Failure is less when you help others

The 1 Simple Thing That Contributes to Most Business Failure

One thing contributes to more business failure. If the reason you want to start a business is you want the flexibility to work when or where you want, to become rich, or because you just want to be your own boss, you have a higher likelihood of failure. You are more likely to fail because your reasons for starting a business are self-centered and not externally focused.

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Why The Business Advice You Are Getting Is One Sided

Why The Business Advice You Are Getting Is One Sided

Previously, we looked at how the startup landscape has changed and that you might not need a formal business plan to successfully launch your business. In this post, we will look into why we keep getting the same old business advice. What has emerged, as the funding and risk gap has widened, is a greater

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Inside Out Business Model

Inside Out Business Model

Ignore the status quo and don’t build a better mousetrap. Stop focusing on what your competitors do. Instead, challenge orthodoxies. To do so, start with any of the nine business model building blocks and build outwards. While we typically start with customer segments to build a customer-driven business model, there are four common starting points.

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Value Proposition - Business Model Canvas

Choosing a Value Proposition Type

When considering your unique value proposition, I find it helpful to consider a list of common value propositions to help guide me and my client’s thinking. To that end, here are eleven common value propositions that businesses might offer to their selected customer segment. Review the following value proposition types and determine which one is

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What Is Disruptive Innovation?

What Is Disruptive Innovation?

Disruptive innovation is not about the next new product as much as it is about transforming an existing market from being expensive and complex to affordable and accessible. A disruptive innovation is more about targeting a high profit/low margin business and creating a high volume/low margin alternative. For example, it is very expensive to take

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Who Really Benefits Most From Investments?

Who Really Benefits Most From Business Investments?

I think we would all agree that making a profit is the incentive to take risk through investments. Moreover, it takes investments to stimulate innovation. But innovation creates productivity gains, which in turn eat into profit. For example, a tractor that costs as much as the labor cost for 150 workers, but which can do

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How to Leverage China’s Currency Manipulation to Your Advantage

How to Leverage China’s Currency Manipulation to Your Advantage

In the news, you often see that the US accuses China of being a currency manipulator by artificially keeping their currency low. If their currency were allowed to rise, goods produced in China would get more expensive in the US and we would buy less of them. Higher prices would mean that Americans would have

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