How to Improve Your Marketing with a “Take One” Box

Most business people employee a market-led approach to marketing and have sales literature, usually in the form of a brochure or coupons. Many mail them to potential customers only to have them never read and thrown out with the junk mail. To realize an excellent return from your sales literature, use a “Take One” box instead.

The “Take One” box is essentially a brochure stand with the words “Take One” plastered on the front. Place this box in a strategic location, such as in other businesses where your prospects are likely to be found. For example, if you operate a soccer club, you may want to place them at local sporting goods stores.

Here are four reasons to employ a “Take One” box:

Low Cost

The cost is very low. “Take One” boxes deliver your message for just pennies per exposure. The average retail establishment sees over 3,500 customers per month per store. Compare the exposure cost to direct-mail, which not only has printing costs but also mailing costs.

Buying Mood

Your material reaches people in a buying mood. Direct-mail is often considered junk mail, time-consuming, and interruptive, turning most people off. When people receive direct-mail, they are not in a buying mood. “Take One” boxes work because they offer information on a voluntary basis, they do not alienate people, and are seen by folks in a receptive frame of mind. The people that take your material actually want to read what you have to say or they wouldn’t take it in the first place.

Scientifically Accountable

Brochure stands are also scientifically accountable. You learn how and where they are working. Be sure to track consumption so you can get a clear picture of how much of your literature was taken from each store. From this data, you’ll learn where your prospects live and where they shop. You’ll know if your coupons and brochures are achieving their desired effect.

Billboard Effect

You benefit from the billboard effect because even if the people do not take what you’re offering for free, they see your name again and again with little cost to you. Trying to get that exposure by advertising through direct mail or other forms is very costly.

By employing “Take One” boxes, you utilize a marketing weapon that’s often overlooked by your competitors.

Do you use “Take One” boxes in your business?

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