Small Business Sales

The Final 4 Principles to Influence a Sale (Scarcity, Likeability, Indifference, & Commitment)

The Final 4 Principles to Influence a Sale (Scarcity, Likeability, Indifference, & Commitment)

Over the past three days, we discussed the first twelve principles to influence a sale from the book, “Rain Making Conversations,” written by Mike Schultz and John Doerr. Today, we will cover the last 4 principles. 13. Scarcity – “Buy it now! Only 2 left!” is a phrase we often hear. Scarcity is the most

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Another 4 More Principles to Influence a Sale (Stepping Stones, Ownership, Involvement, & Desire for Inclusion)

Another 4 More Principles to Influence a Sale (Stepping Stones, Ownership, Involvement, & Desire for Inclusion)

Over the past two days, we discussed the first eight principles to influence a sale from the book, “Rain Making Conversations,” written by Mike Schultz and John Doerr. Today, we will cover the next 4 principles: 9. Stepping Stones – People are more interested in things they are familiar with. A good salesman takes the

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4 More Principles to Influence a Sale (Emotional Journey, Belief, Justification, & Trust

4 More Principles to Influence a Sale (Emotional Journey, Belief, Justification, & Trust)

Yesterday, we discussed the first four principles to influence a sale from the book, “Rain Making Conversations,” written by Mike Schultz and John Doerr. Today, we will cover the next 4 principles. 5. Emotional Journey – As we pointed out in the blog, “Stories to Create a Great First Impression,” a goods salesman is a

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4 Principles to Influence a Sale (Attention, Curiosity, Desire, & Envy)

4 Principles to Influence a Sale (Attention, Curiosity, Desire, & Envy)

Have you ever wanted something so badly that you would do anything to get it? That feeling does not happen overnight; a sales process created that yearning inside you. In their book, “Rainmaking Conversations,” Mike Schultz and John Doerr list 16 ways to make your customers reach that level of desire. Over the next 4

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How to Use Stories to Create a Great First Impression

How to Use Stories to Create a Great First Impression

There is a lot of information about the personal side of making a good first impression, such as how to dress, a firm handshake, and so on. However, too few people focus on what makes the encounter both memorable and shareable with others. Great stories use mental imagery and associations such as similes, metaphors, and analogies as well as emotional appeals to make them memorable.

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Be Memorable

Be Memorable

It was 10:00 pm on April 18th, 1775. Two riders left Boston, Massachusetts, to ride out to Lexington and Concord to alert the militia that the British troops were on their way to capture Samuel Adams and John Hancock. Who were these two midnight riders? My guess is you came up with Paul Revere as

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The Power of a Person's Name and Focus

The Power of Using a Person’s Name

Hearing your name has a profound impact on the brain. Research published in Cerebral Cortex shows that hearing your name activates your cortico-subcortical auditory attention network, a complex way of saying it grabs your focus whether you’re paying attention or not. Similarly, studies in Brain Research demonstrate that hearing your name sparks brain regions tied

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That Makes Five Senses

That Makes Five Senses

We experience life through our five senses. Each of these senses is connected through our unconscious mind to various emotions. When a message touches more than one sense it has multiplying effect to create a stronger memory or help in our recall. Therefore, when selling your product or service, try to incorporate as many senses

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