The Sequence Signs

Growing up in Boston, on the way to the airport you would pass a series of very simple signs on the side of the road. They encouraged you to relocate to Boston and read: “If You”, “Lived Here”, “You Would”, “Be Home Now”. Burma-Shave became an outdoor advertising icon by delivering a catchy message with a punchline in the dawn of the car culture.

Sequencing signs are most effective on secondary roads, where traffic moves slower than on the interstates. A simple series of about six roadside signs placed only about 25-50 yards apart can create a unique marketing message. Since traffic counts on these roads are often lower, they are not the domain of the big outdoor advertising agencies. Permission to erect a series of signs can often come from a single landowner and be far cheaper than standard outdoor advertising.

How can you harness the power of small roadside signs to speak your message?

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