
Non-Profit or For-Profit?

Non-Profit or For-Profit?

I often encounter clients that want to create a non-profit business. They all too often think that the primary difference is just one pays taxes and the other does not. They think that as long as they have a social benefit, they can be considered a non-profit. However, there is a vast difference between their

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Who Is Stronger, The Board of Directors or CEO?

Who Is Stronger, The Board of Directors or CEO?

In most businesses that employ a Board of Directors, the board consists of key employees of the company like the CEO, presidents, and vice presidents as well as key investors. Contrary to conventional wisdom, the smaller the board the stronger it is. When you have a big board, the power of the CEO increases since

Who Is Stronger, The Board of Directors or CEO? Read More »

No Network vs. Large Network

No Network vs. Large Network

Most people underestimate the power of referrals, while entrepreneurs know that referral marketing creates wealth. They participate on panels, non-profit boards, and other functions, most often for free and without any expectation of a direct return.  However, the results of their efforts give them large personal networks that return dividends in many unexpected ways. With

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