Recognize the Numerator of Self-Worth

Recognition is a powerful tool in both business and life. Recognition is the fuel of our self-worth and many of us crave it above all else. At some level, we all want recognition. In fact, when we do something to receive recognition and none is forthcoming, we feel hurt. At this point, we are at a crossroad and can respond in one of two basic ways. First, we can increase our efforts in the hopes to break the recognition threshold in others. Second, we can resort to finding fault in others as a way to elevate one’s own internal feelings of self-worth.

Self-worth is the expression we use to represent a fraction. The top part of a fraction is called the numerator and represents recognition. The bottom half is the denominator and reflects how we see the external world. If you add value to the numerator, the fraction gets larger. The same is true if you subtract value from the denominator.

For example, when we find fault in or attack others, we are essentially subtracting value from the denominator of our self-worth. However, this behavior creates a vicious circle. When you express fault in others, they often respond in kind and express fault in you, which essentially subtracts from your recognition numerator.

On the other hand, we can work harder to gain the recognition we crave. However, there is a way to multiply the recognition numerator. Just like when someone attacks you and you respond in kind when someone compliments you, most people feel an imbalance in their network deposits and feel a need to reciprocate so they say something nice in return.
I once read the following quote: “To gain recognition, one’s words and actions must give recognition.” The next time you do not get the recognition you deserve, don’t go to the dark side and find fault in others. Instead, bite your tongue and compliment the other party. Then all you have to do is wait for the recognition to come back in your direction.

While some entrepreneurs started their business out of self-preservation after losing a job or for the want of money, many entrepreneurs were motivated by recognition when they decided to start their business. This desire for recognition is most evident in the business owner who is big on titles, calling themselves CEO or President so it is clear to others that they are a big shot. Therefore, if you are a business owner that craves recognition, like most of us, be forthcoming with recognition of others. When it comes to business owners, “When recognition drives, determination thrives.” The recognition we receive as a business owner creates a determination in us to succeed at all costs. This determination is often responsible for owners working incredibly long hours in unprofitable businesses.

How do you respond when others don’t recognize your contributions?

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