Is Your Condom Too Big?

The other day I was reading an article about a rise in STDs in teens. The source of the STD problem was rooted in the fact that teenagers were not buying the proper size of condoms. After all, who would want to go to a checkout counter with condoms – size small? Status and saving face is important, and no one wants to admit a shortcoming to someone else.

Recently one of our neighbors had a business that was failing. With my experience, I could see the friction points very easily and had many ideas I told him I was willing to share that could salvage his business. However, in spite of my repeated offers to help, he resisted in an effort to save face and not admit to his shortcomings to me.

Unfortunately, they closed their business and suffered a serious financial loss. They are even selling their house and moving away so as not to be seen as failures. Business advisers exist to help entrepreneurs and not degrade them. It’s kind of like going to the Dr. and not being honest and sharing with him your symptoms or habits because they are embarrassing.

Are you more concerned about saving face or achieving results?

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