Why You Need To Give Your Solution A Name?

Do you want to create instant credibility in your service or informational product? Give your solution a name!

Let’s face it– there is nothing sexy about dry cleaning. Basically, it is just a commodity. So, how do you differentiate your dry cleaner from the others? By giving your solution a name like Martinizing Dry Cleaning. Martinizing sounds exotic and creates instant credibility, not to mention that it gets the customer thinking, “What is Martinizing?”

Moreover, when you give your soluton a name and create an awareness campaign around the name it will help with your SEO. You will own every long-tail keyword that includes the name in a search and always appears at the top of any online search. Check out all the ways that people search for Martinizing from AnswerThePublic. By giving your service or informational product a name you can own your our piece of the long-tail economy.

The best thing about giving your solution a name is it costs you nothing. When you apply a label to your solution, especially if your prospect as never heard of the name before, it introduces a level of curiosity to make them want to know more. It also establishes the idea that you have a unique solution to a common problem in the mind of the consumer.

However, before you settle on a name check out this post on trademarks to see if you can use and protect the name that you chose.

Does your solution have a name?

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