The Value of Hello

Do you say “hello” and “goodbye” to your customers? Simply saying “hello” and “goodbye” can earn you healthy profits with almost zero investment. We have a local restaurant that I often go to for lunch where all the servers say “hello” as soon as you walk in the door. At my bank, they know me by name. As I enter, they say greet me not only with a generic “hello,” but a “Hello Steve.” If you know your customer’s name, certainly include that in your greeting as it makes it more memorable and meaningful.

When customers walk out the door, don’t forget to say “goodbye.” Ask yourself the following question– How many times in the last month has a business representative looked you in the eye and greeted you by name as you entered or exited their establishment? If you’re like most of us, the answer is between one and zero. In the old days, it was common. However, it has almost entirely disappeared in the everyday business transactions of today’s world. So, you can be sure that if you incorporate a friendly “hello” and “goodbye” as part of your baseline customer service and include your customer’s name, you will definitely stand out from the crowd.

Do you say “hello” and “goodbye” to your customers?

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