Testing Your Value Proposition’s Ability to Deliver Gains

Now that you have a potential list of products or services that you plan to incorporate as part of your value proposition, you need to see if it creates the benefits your customer expects, desires, or would be surprised to see. You can use the following questions to test your value proposition’s products and services to see if they will create customer gains before, during, and after your customers perform their job.

Do your value proposition’s products and services…

  • Create savings in terms of time, money, and effort that will make your customer happy?
  • Produce the outcomes your customer expects or go beyond their expectations in terms of quality and quantity?
  • Copy or out-perform current solutions that delight your customer in terms of more features, specific features, performance, or quality?
  • Make the customer’s job easier in terms of a flatter learning curve, better accessibility, more services, or lower cost of ownership?
  • Create positive social consequences that your customer desires such as making them look better in the eyes of others, increase power, or raise status?
  • Do something that your customer has been looking for such as providing a better design, guarantee, more features, or specific features?
  • Fulfill something your customer is dreaming about such as a big achievement
  • Produce positive outcomes that match your customer’s success or failure criteria
  • Provide ways that you can help them make adoption easier such as lowering up-front investment costs, flattening the learning curve, or offering less resistance to change?

Do your products and services create customer gains?

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