Before Starting a Small Business

Non-Profit or For-Profit?

Non-Profit or For-Profit?

I often encounter clients that want to create a non-profit business. They all too often think that the primary difference is just one pays taxes and the other does not. They think that as long as they have a social benefit, they can be considered a non-profit. However, there is a vast difference between their […]

Non-Profit or For-Profit? Read More »

One Person’s Liability is Another Person's Asset

One Person’s Liability is Another Person’s Asset

Many people, and many businesses for that matter, really do not understand the difference between an asset and a liability. When asked what is your biggest asset most people will say their house. An asset is essentially something that helps put money in your pocket and a liability is something that takes the money out.

One Person’s Liability is Another Person’s Asset Read More »

Do You Have Access To Capital?

Do You Have Access To Capital?

A wise man once told me: “If you have a successful business, you will need more money.” He also said: “If you have an unsuccessful business, you will need more money.” The undisputed leading cause of business failure is that businesses just run out of money before they become profitable. Access to capital is, therefore, the

Do You Have Access To Capital? Read More »

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