Late Boomers Attitudes and Behaviors

Late Boomers Attitudes and Behaviors

Each generation has their own unique attitudes and behaviors that set them apart. Late Boomers –Born 1956-1965 (9 Years)Population size – 49 million (5.4 million births per year). Late Boomers lived their formative years with Watergate, which shaped their general mistrust of government. The oil embargo and other economic struggles squelched their optimism about the

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Early Boomers Attitudes and Behaviors

Early Boomers Attitudes and Behaviors

Each generation has their own unique attitudes and behaviors that set them apart. Early BoomersBorn 1946-1954 (8 Years)Population size – 33 million (4.1 million births per year). Early Boomers lived their formative years with Vietnam and witnessed the assassinations of John F. Kennedy and Martin Luther King. They lived through the Civil Rights movement and

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