Fred Bear: Remarkable Businessman and Archery Great

Fred Bear is known as one of the pioneers of the modern archery industry but did you know that he was also a remarkable businessman.

Fred is best known for being an avid bow hunter and popular writer for various outdoor and hunting magazines, as well as a film producer.

As a kid growing up I could not wait to read about his hunting exploits in Outdoor Life, and watched shows like American Sportsman to catch his latest hunt on TV. Fred would travel the world hunting exotic animals which he shared in articles and on TV shows.

However, what few people know about Fred Bear was that he was also an exceptional businessman. As the founder of Bear Archery, he built a brand identity and a business around his bow hunting passion with him as its spokesman and Attraction Character. The way Fred built his business and brand is a model new entrepreneurs would be advised to learn more about and emulate.

Create A Market Where None Exists

One powerful lesson business owners should take from Fred Bear is how he was able to create a market for Archery products where previously none really existed. Fred took not only Bear Archery but the entire industry to a whole new level.

Hunting season prior to 1936 was just that: a hunting season. No consideration was given to the method used to hunt game. Since hunting game animals with archery tackle are imminently harder than using a rifle or shotgun, the sport of archery was relegated to a backyard pastime and used as a legitimate hunting method by only a very few dedicated enthusiasts. For the most part prior to 1936 Archery was a tiny niche market.

Fred, being an expert marksman, gained much notoriety in archery exhibitions. He became synonymous with archery and became the face of the industry. He used his fame to petition the state of Michigan to create a separate archery season separate from the gun season, which they ultimately adopted. Hunters realized that their in-state hunting opportunities could be doubled by taking up archery.

Soon, other states followed the Michigan example and created separate archery-only seasons. As a result, the sport of bowhunting experienced meteoric growth with Fred Bear and Bear Archery as its standard bearer.

Sometimes you have to examine the limitations of your industry and put together a plan to knock down barriers to achieve true and lasting success.

Are there barriers that are preventing your business and industry from reaching the next level? What can you do to remove those barriers?

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