Understanding Customer Segment Jobs

Once you have a good idea of your target customer segment, it is time to dig a little deeper. To do this, describe the specific tasks your customer segment is trying to do in their core job, the problems they are trying to solve, or the needs they are trying to satisfy. Besides the customer segmentโ€™s core job responsibilities, your customers may also be trying to look good in the eyes of another, gain status, or even secure more power for themselves. Perhaps your customers are looking for more security or to just feel better about themselves. When examining the traits of your customer segment, you have to think outside their core responsibilities.

To help put a finer point on the job of your customer segment, you can ask the following questions.

  • What functions are you trying to help your customers perform? Are they trying to complete a task, solve a problem, or fulfill a need?
  • What social needs are you trying to help your customers perform? Are you trying to help them look good, raise their status, or gain additional power?
  • What emotional needs are you trying to help your customers perform? Are you trying to make them feel better about themselves or provide more security?

After answering these questions, attempt to rank your customer segmentโ€™s tasks, problems, and needs according to their significance, critical nature, and frequency. Finally, try to outline the context of their job to determine if there are any limitations or constraints that may apply.

Have you defined the tasks, problems, and needs of your customer segment?

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