Your Business Packaging

Your product or service may be what your customers are buying, but they make their decision based on your packaging. Since customers can’t interact or use a product until they purchase it, the packaging is what they rely on to make their buying decision.

What about the service industry? I can hear many of you saying, “I sell a service. I do not have any packaging.” Au contraire, all companies have to package, and the packaging exerts a powerful influence on human behavior.

For example, the packaging extends beyond the physical container that holds a product. Your sales representatives are part of your packaging. If you are the face of your company and you speak to customers, you are part of the packaging. If you have a physical office or store, your space is part of your packaging. If you send emails or a newsletter, write a blog, or even publish a flyer or catalog, it too is part of your packaging. Even your website is part of your packaging. The people who answer your phone are part of your packaging. Your packaging is how your customers perceive your company before they buy from you.

Do you pay enough attention to your packaging?

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