What Is the Answer?

Nothing is more dangerous than an idea when it is the only one you have. When confronted with a problem, most people think, “What is the answer?” as if there is only one right answer. As the saying goes, “There is more than one way to skin a cat.”

Creative minds look for more than one answer to a problem and ask themselves, “What are the answers?”

As a counselor, I often encourage my clients to employ the Business Model Canvas so they can consider multiple solutions to a problem. By using the Business Model Canvas, they can see multiple answers before they settle on a final business model to put all of their resources behind.

Whether solving a business issue or developing a new company to solve a customer’s problem, never stop with just one possible solution. Dig deeper to uncover a solution that is perhaps even better.

What is the second answer to the business problem that you are seeking to solve?

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