Put the Power of Positive Thoughts to Work for You

Focus on what you want and not what you donโ€™t want. Think positive thoughts, not negative ones.

As a motorcyclist, it is common knowledge that you look at where you want to go and NOT at what you want to avoid.  If you look at a pothole or an object in the road you donโ€™t want to hit, no matter how hard you try to avoid it you will hit it.

The same can be said for business and life in general.  We attract what we fear.  If you fear failure you will fail.  If you fear rejection you will experience rejection. As Mary Kay Ash, the founder of Mary Kay cosmetics said, โ€œIf you think you can, you can, if you think you canโ€™t, youโ€™re rightโ€

Donโ€™t focus on avoiding what you fear.  Create positive thoughts and focus on them.

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