Have You Seen Your Customer’s Ride?

What you drive says a lot about who you are and what you value. I often find it very useful to meet a new person at a location that requires them to drive there, such as a Starbucks. I try to arrive early and get a seat where I can observe the person drive up. If they drive up in a status car like a Cadillac I know that how others perceive them is very valuable to them, if they drive up in a pickup truck they are likely an outdoorsy person, and if they’re on a motorcycle they are a bit rebellious.

While not 100% accurate it serves as a good starting point and I make sure to use that knowledge when building rapport or attempting to influence them later. In addition to the vehicle itself, I look for bumper or window stickers that can provide additional valuable insight as well.

A political sticker such as an Obama sticker reveals their political views and all that comes with that. Window stickers of turtles or stick figures that represent the family unit can give you clues to the number and genders of kids as well as pets that make up their family. Jesus or evolution fish tell their views of creation, and guns or NRA decals give insight into hobbies or how they value the constitution. And the list goes on. What a person drives and how they personalize it can tell you more in ten seconds than an hour of dialog would provide.

Do you employ tactics to see what a prospect drives so you can adjust your messaging?

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