Networking is the lifeblood of many businesses and every small business owner should remember that they are networking every time they are in public. Whether you are in line at the supermarket or at sporting events with the kids, small business owners need to leverage every networking opportunity.
Every business owner should have a WOW statement prepared that they can recite in any situation.
When it comes to official networking events, it is important to remember that networking events are for capturing leads so they become contacts you now own, and not for direct selling.
Lets not forget that you can mine your professional connections.
Social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter are in fact platforms that encourage people to engage with the content. However, Reddit is an often overlooked social media platform whose main purpose is to encourage engagement. Unlike other social media platforms, Reddit is more of an online networking tool that can be harnessed to drive traffic to your business or website.
Click on either the “B2B Specific” or “B2C Specific” links below to explore various networking concepts based on your business needs. When you select the link, it will open a new tab in your browser. When done, simple close the tab and resume the discussion below.