Things to Know About – Operations Plan

Business operations are composed of activities that define a business’s products or services, issues relating to location, Insurance, personnel, and management issues. This section contains videos that describe the key concepts entrepreneurs need to know to develop a sound small business operating plan.

How to Use to Find, Hire, and Manage Talent

Three-quarters of all registered businesses in the US are classified as nonemployer businesses. But that does not mean that because you are the only person in the business, you can’t get help from other freelancers and be a virtual business. There are many platforms that can help facilitate the finding, hiring, and managing of these resources. This video explores one of those platforms, “Upwork.”

Being a President of a Small Business Requires Different Skills Than a CEO

The roles of a CEO and a President are very different. Not all business owners can do both. Here is what each does and why you need to care.

Make and Sell to Sense and Respond

In the old days, a company raised money, used it to make a product, and then tried to sell it. This represents a Make and Sell approach to business. Today that no longer works. Today, a business needs to develop a Minimal Marketable Product (Beta Version) that is sold to earlier adopters, make observations about how consumers use it, and respond by improving the final product (V1.0). This represents and Sense and Respond approach.

Why Insurance Creates Gravity for Lawsuits

Most suit-happy plaintiffs have little or no money to pay a lawyer and look for lawyers that will take a case on a contingent basis. Lawyers look to see if the defendant has insurance before they accept these cases because they know that insurance companies will more often settle out of court. Therefore insurance creates gravity for lawsuits.

The Risk of Moving from Small to Large-Scale Solutions

Moving from being a small-scale solution provider and going large-scale is not just more of the same. It often involves greater logistics problems and can affect quality.

Fall in Love with the Process

Goals are how corporate America works. However, goals will never make you rich or successful as a small business owner love of the process required to attain that goal will. You have to love the process involved in getting to the goal.

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