Leadership and Critical Thinking

As a business owner, you have to occasionally stop what you are doing and do a bit of self-reflection to determine if you are on the right track to achieve the kind of success you desire. Moreover, leadership by the founder is essential to the success of the business. This section is a collection of videos that look at leadership and critical thinking.

Why You Need To Find The Intersection Of What You Are

There are many good companies, but to make the leap from good to great, the company needs to discover the intersection of what they can be the best at, what drives their economic engine, and what drives their passion.

The Role of Passion

Passion is often a misunderstood virtue when it comes to business. Most businesses are a commodity which is hard to get passionate about. Passion for business, not the product or service, will give you the perseverance necessary to work through tough times.

Action Trumps Mindset

Fear prevents action. Waiting for all the stars to align means you will never start. Taking small incremental steps toward a goal builds confidence. Mindset is important, but action trumps mindset.

Military Strategy Applied to Business

Traditional land battles are carried out with three types of forces: Infantry, Calvary, and Artillery. Each force has strengths and weaknesses. Each military force can be equally applied to a type of business: Large Corporation, Small Business, and Startup. Success in a battle or business means pitting your strengths against the adversary’s weaknesses.

Appling the Hunter vs. Farmer Metaphor to Business Leaders

Hunters and Farmers in business represent a metaphor that describes the different types of small business owners. Most startups benefit from a hunter as the founder since the path of starting a business is very linear. More established businesses benefit from a farmer overseeing operations because their path forward is more cyclical. CEOs are first and foremost hunters, while Presidents are Farmers.

Beyond Stage 1 Thinking, And Then What Will Happen?

To make a better decision, business owners must go beyond stage-one thinking, look past the immediate or perceived outcome of their decision, and ask a series of “and then, what will happen?… questions to find the unseen consequences of their decision

Four Kinds of Entrepreneurs & Why it Matters

There are 4 types of entrepreneurs, each requiring different advice to succeed. Following the advice for the wrong type can lead to catastrophic results. Learn which type of entrepreneur you are.

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What Color is Your Time?

Throughout the day, everyone is in various states of busyness and is, therefore, more or less receptive to an interruption. By adopting a color code to describe how open a person is to interruptions makes it clear what conditions exist to accept an interruption.

How Motivated Blindness Affects Businesses

Even individuals with a well-calibrated moral compass can have motivated blindness when facts and data conflict with self-interests.

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Recognizing Window and Mirror Leadership

Bad leaders look out the window to blame others when things go wrong and the mirror to take credit when things go well. Good leaders do the opposite. When things go bad, they look in the mirror to see what they could have done better and out the window when things go well to see who to credit.

How the Sunk Cost Bias Effects Your Decision Making

Once a business invests in a new product or service and later discovers that things have changed, there is a reluctance to abandon the effort based on the sunk cost bias. Unrecoverable costs drive bad decisions or inaction.

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