Many times, a business can do a few very simple things to transform itself. In this section, we look at some of the things a business can do today to achieve a positive transformation.
Here are ten quick fixes you can do today.
Every small business should explore the possibilities of OpenAI’s tools for their business, including ChatGPT and DALL-E 2.
Placing a prospect on phone hold is almost inevitable, however, rather than squandering that time, use it to tell them about the incredible things your business has to offer by replacing your on hold music.
Many businesses, from time to time, have excessive resources in the form of labor and materials, that can be deployed elsewhere to earn additional revenue for the business.
All businesses have raw materials and subsequently waste products, but the most innovative businesses reconsider how they can make the most of their waste.
Customers are the key to every business, so exceeding their modest expectations can often reap huge dividends.
Don’t forget that what your customer sees and smells is part of your packaging and can have a big influence on their perceptions.
Even the simplest way of organizing a small business can contribute to its bottom line.
Some of the best suggestions of simple things a business would need to change come from the customers, so be sure to listen to what they have to say online and offline.
Many businesses think it is all about setting the most competitive prices. However, the best solution is to sometimes focus on quality since it can reap dividends in ways you may not have thought of.
Consider giving away the business’s secret recipe to drive sales.
Value often exists in many places where few of your competitors have looked.
Taking a stand that is controversial can establish you as a thought leader, making sales much easier to close.
Something as simple as changing the image that the business portrays to the public can attract an entirely new demographic.
And sometimes, it is as simple as stopping something that the business does just because the business always has done it that way in the past, and then using the energy saved in a different place, where it can be more productive.
On top of providing additional energy by stopping something, history has taught us that being unpredictable causes the competition to direct their energy into many unproductive areas, allowing you to capitalize on their mistakes.
When a business is perceived as a leader, it is essential that it avoids resting on its laurels or it risks losing its competitive advantage.
And when the market gets too crowded, consider focusing more on a particular niche or one-downing the competition.
Often, it is less about being innovative and more about better execution.
When it comes to reducing expenses, using choice architecture can frequently make prospects act more responsibly, saving the business money.
Finally, it is never a good idea to fall in love with every idea, so who is your jester?